Eco Cord® Organic Leather Cords

Anyone who chooses our Eco Cord® organic leather cords chooses one of the finest materials that the nature has to offer. The leather skins are produced by vegetable tanning and heavy-metal-free coloring with natural and synthetic dyes.

Our leather is IVN certified. The renowned natural textile association works on an international level and stands for the strictest quality seal in the field of textiles.

In addition, our leather is Ecarf certified. This is particularly important with regard to people suffering from an allergy. That's why our Eco Cord® organic leather cords are particularly well suited for the jewelry industry.

On special request, we can supply you with leather that is also certified by the Biokreis. Biokreis is a certificate from the Association for Organic Farming. You are welcome to send us an inquiry by email.


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